cv | art & writing

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featured in 

July 2024 | Buckman Journal, Gorge

November 2023 | Archetype Issue 4

October 2023 | Horns Issue 3

April 2023 | Body Fluids Issue 2

April  2023 | Tiny Spoon Issue 10

March 3, 2023 | Unstamatic 

January 2023 | West Trestle Review

January 2023 | Body Fluids (Substack Bonus Content)

November 2022 | Wrongdoing Magazine

November 2021 | Subjectiv. A Visual and Literary Arts Journal of the Pacific Northwest


May 2024 (group) | Portland Collage Showcase at Powell's City of Books

January-February 2024 (Solo) | Featured artist at Cafe Eleven

October 2023 (Solo) | Featured Artist of the Month, One Lane Road

June-July 2023 (group) | The Thin Veil, Splendorporium

April 2023 (group) | Fears and Phobias, Splendorporium

January-February 2023 (group) | EarthSpacePDX

November 2022 (group) | The Hazards, MidwestNice Art (virtual)

October-November 2022 (group) | Monster Mash: Monsters from Folklore Around the World at ADX in Portland


creative nonfiction

Forthcoming in 2024 |Messy Misfits Club v. 6, Filth

workshop facilitation

August 2024 | "But I'm Not an Artist!" A Collage Workshop for Everyone
A three-hour workshop introducing the range of possibility within the medium of collage; demonstrating techniques (with accessibility modifications); and providing ideas to address blank page anxiety. Emphasizes creating a path to creativity that feels natural and sustainable.



July 2024 | Accessible Communication Design with Accessible by Design

February-April 2024 | Prompt writing workshop with Write Around Portland (see my response to one of our prompts: "write a postcard to an object nearby, and then write that object's reply to you.")

February 2023 | Writing Sex with Emily Nagoski 

January-February 2023 | Pushpins and Portals - a short-form writing workshop through Portland's Independent Publishing Resource Center (IPRC).

August 2022 | Collage in Practice Workshop with the Kolaj Institute 


October 2022 | Two weeks spent at Holly House as an art resident with Hypatia in the Woods, an organization dedicated to giving women space to think and create.